MillionaireMatch Dating App Review: Find High Class Love Online


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Everyone goes on dating apps hoping to find something special with someone special. And thankfully, there are several apps that cater to all kinds of people’s wants, needs, and desires.

MillionaireMatch is one of the most exciting and successful dating apps on the market right now. In fact, most of the statistics and outstanding results that MillionaireMatch has received are almost unheard of from dating apps that are not well-known and have a small membership base.

MillionaireMatch is one of the few dating apps that caters exclusively to attractive and successful people hoping to find love online with similar people. If you’ve been hoping to find someone with a luxurious lifestyle, try out MillionaireMatch and find the love of your life online.

MillionaireMatch Homepage Screenshot
Sign-Up Time:7-10 minutes
Cost:$45.00 – $70.00 per month
Membership Pool:3.8 million

Our MillionaireMatch App Rating

Rating Icon

Overall Rating 3.6 Rating Stars

MillionaireMatch is coming in with an overall score of 3.6 out of 5!

Our MillionaireMatch review is aimed at bringing you the most accurate picture of this dating app. Once again, we’re using our 6-point rating process for scoring the MillionaireMatch dating app. Each category gets its score, and we’ve taken an average to get to the overall MillionaireMatch rating.

Usability Icon

Ease of Use 3.0 Rating Stars

MillionaireMatch is not necessarily the most accessible dating app, but it is easier to use than most other apps. Its ease of use rating sits snuggly in the middle of the pack because there are some features that people have to figure out how to use, and there’s a lot to learn once you log onto the app. But the creators of MillionaireMatch are dedicated to ensuring that their interface is constantly getting updated and that the features they provide for their premium members are not going to waste because they are too complicated to use. While MillionaireMatch is not the most intuitive dating app, it’s also not overly complex, and users can get used to it quickly.

features graphic

Features 4.5 Rating Stars

We will always suggest that people use premium memberships if they’re serious about finding love online because the features provided for premium members allow them to experience the app to its fullest extent. The features available for premium members are great, if not a bit basic, and expensive. Still, a premium membership for MillionaireMatch is worth the price.

Cost Icon

2.5 Rating Stars

MillionaireMatch is not cheap. The cost of the app makes sense, considering the audience that the app caters to, but it is one of the more expensive dating apps currently on the market.

While users can try MillionaireMatch out for free, do suggest that they look into all of the limitations that the app puts on free accounts. Although at first glance, it seems as though you can have a free account on MillionaireMatch and still find success online, free users cannot send messages for free, and while they can read the first message that is in their mailbox for free, there’s not much else they can do when they’re on the app. So if you want to find someone online when you’re using MillionaireMatch, you will need to use the premium subscription to experience the app, which is quite pricey.

Match Icon

Match Quality
3.0 Rating Stars

Even though there are many ways to see whether or not the profile that you’re talking to is an actual verified member or if they’re faking it, MillionaireMatch allows premium users to confirm that they are millionaires; there is something to be said about the fact that a lot of people go on MillionaireMatch hoping to find love with someone who will pay them a lot of money, and who will benefit them more than they will help others.

That’s why that’s one of the reasons why the match quality rating sits in the middle of the spectrum. Another reason we don’t love the match quality on MillionaireMatch is that some users have reported very low-quality profiles on the app.

Safety and Security Icon

Safety and Security
4.0 Rating Stars

Even though there are many ways to see whether or not the profile that you’re talking to is an actual verified member or if they’re faking it, MillionaireMatch allows premium users to confirm that they are millionaires; there is something to be said about the fact that a lot of people go on MillionaireMatch hoping to find love with someone who will pay them a lot of money, and who will benefit them more than they will help others.

That’s why that’s one of the reasons why the match quality rating sits in the middle of the spectrum. Another reason we don’t love the match quality on MillionaireMatch is that some users have reported very low-quality profiles on the app.

Customer Service Icon

Customer Service
4.5 Rating Stars

MillionaireMatch’s customer support service is available 24/7, 365 days a year. MillionaireMatch knows the importance of keeping its customers online safe and secure, and its team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the best and safest online experience possible.

If you have a problem while you’re using MillionaireMatch, its customer service will get to the bottom of it. The team is dedicated to ensuring you feel safe, secure, and happy when using their dating app. Many dating apps have subpar customer service, where you have to email or contact an outdated system, which is not the case with MillionaireMatch. Instead, you will be able to fill out a form or contact customer support, and you’ll have your problems solved very quickly.

Overview of MillionaireMatch

Although MillionaireMatch is one of the more niche apps that we’ve reviewed. That doesn’t mean that it’s any less successful or frequented. In fact, MillionaireMatch is one of the most successful dating apps on the market right now.

The app was created in 2001, but since then, it has undergone a number of necessary updates and upgrades. Today, the app looks clean and modern, with none of the early 2000s flares to it anymore.

MillionaireMatch Fast Facts

  • Year Founded: 2001
  • Although MillionaireMatch can be accessed on both your iOS, Android, and computer devices, experts suggest that users access the app through their computer to experience all that the app has to offer.
  • Average User Age: 35-54 years
  • Gender Ratio: 55% men to 45% women

MillionaireMatch is also extremely easy to use and accessible. Users can download the dating app or choose to use the web browser version online to experience all that MillionaireMatch has to offer.

The dating app is geared toward prosperous and stable business people established in their industry. Most of the users on MillionaireMatch are older, as many of them have to have a certain net worth in order to enter the app.

Premium Membership Subscriptions and Prices

If you’re a little shocked when you see the prices for MillionaireMatch’s premium subscription, we understand. Love doesn’t come cheap, and MillionaireMatch wants to keep high-profile users on their app and interested in what they provide. And the best way they can maintain high rollers on their app is to make their prices high as well.

Premium Light

1 Month


  • Membership: 1 Month
  • Price Per Month: $70.00
  • Total Membership Cost: $70.00

  • All Standard Features
  • Every Plan Has the Same Premium Features

Premium Plus

3 Months


  • Membership: 3 Months
  • Price Per Month: $56.67
  • Total Membership Cost: $170.00

  • All Standard Features
  • Every Plan Has the Same Premium Features

Premium Extra

6 Months


  • Membership: 6 Months
  • Price Per Month: $45.00
  • Total Membership Cost: $270.00

  • All Standard Features
  • Every Plan Has the Same Premium Features

While MillionaireMatch’s premium membership is a bit pricey, it’s a worthy investment. Not only are there features that come with MillionaireMatch’s premium membership that are not available to the free users on the app, but the free version of MillionaireMatch is almost impossible to use if you want to make connections online. You can only message someone if they message you first, and you cannot get verified as a real millionaire if you are only using the free version of that. If you want to have the best experience on MillionaireMatch, you will need to invest in the premium membership.

MillionaireMatch Free Trial and Premium Features

Users can use MillionaireMatch for free. While they do not offer free trials, users can choose to access the free version of MillionaireMatch at any point if they want to explore all of the options and profiles available on the dating app.

That being said, the free version of MillionaireMatch is extremely limited, and you will not be able to make the connections you could if you decide to use the premium membership account.

Standard (Free) Features

  • Create a Profile
  • Upload up to 26 profile pictures
  • Upload a private album
  • Answer fun questions
  • Use the Quick Search feature and save your searches
  • Favorite profiles
  • See who’s winked at you
  • Access the spark feature
  • Like and skip profiles
  • Use message forums
  • Request access to other members’ private albums
  • Get your photos verified
  • Send free winks
  • Post your first dates
  • Reply to messages that members have sent you

Premium Membership Features

  • Advanced Search Filters
    If you know what you want when you’re on a dating app, there’s no reason you should settle for anything less. Instead, when you’re a paying member of MillionaireMatch, you can employ your advanced search filters while looking for a match online. These filters will make your search much easier.
  • Your Profile will Have Priority over the Others
    Paying members’ profiles will always be positioned over the free members’ profiles. This gives paying members more of an opportunity to be noticed and stand out from the crowd instead of being lost in the shuffle of countless other profiles.
  • Browse Profiles Anonymously
    Sometimes, you want to be able to look for the love of your life without letting everyone know that you’re looking at their profile. When you choose a premium membership, you can look through all of your online options anonymously, and no one will know that you’ve been looking at their profiles.
  • Turn Read Receipts on
    Anyone who has texted in the last few years will know how important it is to be notified when someone has read your message. Read receipts will help keep the conversation going and let you know if the person you’re messaging is actively online.
  • View Certified Members
    While MillionaireMatch is a high-end dating app meant for the elite, there are always going to be users who join who are not exactly who they say they are. If you want to spend your time on MillionaireMatch only looking at the best of the best options, then make sure you can see the certified users when you’re on the app.
  • See Who Has Liked You
    It’s always lovely to see the people on your dating app who have shown an interest in you when you’re on a dating app. While dating apps can often feel like a fun gamble, it’s also nice to know that the person you’re talking to or thinking about investing your time and energy into actually likes you.

Do MillionaireMatch Memberships Renew Automatically?

If you choose a one-month subscription plan for MillionaireMatch, the website will turn on auto-renew for your membership. However, if you select the three or six months membership plans, your membership will not auto-renew at the end of your pay period.

Users also have the opportunity to turn off their auto-renew settings at any point. Go to your subscription status page after logging in or contact customer service if you want to change your subscription plan. You can also opt to turn on auto-renew for your subscription plan here if you would like. All in all, MillionaireMatch is one of the most manageable membership plans to turn auto-renew off that we’ve seen so far.

Should You Join MillionaireMatch?

Now that you’ve heard some of the basic statistics and have a general idea of what MillionaireMatch is, it’s time to talk about whether or not you should join.

Reasons to Join

There is indeed an app for everyone out there. No matter what you’re looking for when you’re on a dating app, most companies have gone ahead and created a dating app that will hand-deliver the exact kind of person that you’ve been searching for your entire life to you.

If You Want to Date a Certified Millionaire

If you want to date a millionaire, the MillionaireMatch is going to be the best dating app on which to live your dream dating life.

While not everyone on MillionaireMatch is going to be a millionaire, some are just people who are looking to date a millionaire; users are going to have more of an opportunity to meet people with riches and wealth on this app than on nearly every other app that’s on the market right now.

MillionaireMatch caters to millionaires and people who need to know if they are dating a millionaire or if they’re just being catfished. Of course, because of the nature of the app, there will always be scammers. Fortunately, MillionaireMatch has a feature that allows millionaires to be certified if they meet specific criteria, and those members will be highlighted when you’re searching for profiles.

If You Don’t Like Ads

Although it may not seem like the biggest deal when it comes to picking out which dating app will work for you, many people get turned off from a dating app when the app shoves too many ads in their faces.

We get it, you’re looking for love, and you don’t want to be distracted by a bunch of ads constantly popping up while you’re on the hunt. Not to mention, no one likes ads. MillionaireMatch knows that, and the app doesn’t have any annoying ads that will distract you while you’re looking for love.

This feature is almost unheard of when it comes to dating apps, especially the free version.

If You Want to Join a Focused Dating App with a Huge User Base

This combination is almost unheard of when it comes to dating apps. Most of the time, niche dating apps that only help a certain kind of people, like millionaires or wealthy people, have a tiny user database. Most of the time, we suggest that people don’t waste their time on some of the more niche dating apps because they will usually not be able to find the kind of people they’re looking for online because their choices will be so limited.

However, MillionaireMatch breaks all of those rules. The app has been online since 2001 and now has over three million users who are constantly trying to find love using it. It’s a fantastic resource if you want to find a large number of eligible dates that fit your criteria.

If You’re Looking for a Serious Relationship Based on Mutual Interests and Lifestyles

Everyone wants to date someone with whom they have something in common, especially when it comes to their lifestyle and work/life balance. In fact, one of the biggest reasons why some of the most successful people have a difficult time finding a partner is because they can’t seem to find someone who fits into their lifestyle and values the same things.

If you want a relationship with someone equally successful and driven as you, check out MillioniareMatch and find a partner who values the same things as you do in life.

Reasons Not to Join

If you identify with any of these below sections, you might not want to download MillionaireMatch.

You’re Looking to be a Sugarbaby / Looking for a Sugarbaby

If you’re hoping to join MillionaireMatch to find someone who will support you and financially provide for you, this might not be the app for you. Thankfully, there are many apps online right now that cater to this need specifically, but MillionaireMatch is not that kind of an app.

Instead, MillionaireMatch’s website focuses on matching people who have similar net worth values and who are going to be able to support and equal each other. Of course, not everyone on MillionaireMatch is a millionaire, and you might get lucky, but we wouldn’t hold our breath for that.

If You’re Looking for Something Casual

After seeing the price for a premium membership on MillionaireMatch, it’s no wonder that the people on this dating app are extraordinarily dedicated and passionate about finding their person and getting off the app as quickly as possible.

MillionaireMatch is not a casual hook-up app. It’s an app founded on the belief that if you and your partner share an approach to life and money, the two of you will get along well.

This is not the app you’re going to want to join to blow off some steam or avoid boredom.

If You Want a Dating App That is Free to Use

If you’re looking to join a dating app that is easy to use and free, MillionaireMatch will not be your best bet.

While the app does have a free version for users to poke about and get used to some of the features and selections online, the free version is extremely limited. Free users will only be able to message people who have already messaged them, as well as several other roadblocks that will make their time on MillionaireMatch extremely difficult and possibly unsuccessful.

If you’re hoping for a free dating app that comes with most of the perks that a basic dating app needs to work, then you might not want to go with MillionaireMatch.

If You Don’t Want to Pay a Good Amount of Money

Similar to the last point, MillionaireMatch is an expensive dating app experience. Users truly cannot get the full dating app experience they want if they choose the free version that MillionaireMatch provides them. The premium membership on MillionaireMatch is costly. Honestly, it’s one of the most expensive dating app memberships out there right now.

That being said, we do believe that it’s more than worth investing in a premium membership with MillionaireMatch, but we also know that not everyone wants to pay hundreds of dollars to find love online.

The MillionaireMatch Dating App’s Sign-up Process

You can tell a lot about what a dating app values by looking at its sign-up process.

If you don’t like how intense the sign-up process is for an app or the questions the app is asking you, you’re more than likely not going to like the way that the app operates or the way that the algorithm uses your answers to provide suitable matches for you.

We don’t want you to sign up for an app that you’re going to hate, so we want to walk you through the sign-up process because it’ll help you throughout the process to know what to expect, but also so you can get a general idea of where the app is going to ask you to do. If you’re curious about what the sign-up process for MillionaireMatch entails, keep reading!

MillionaireMatch Mobile

Step #1: Sign Up

When you go to MillionaireMatch’s website to create an account, the website will ask you if you’re a successful single making over 300k a year or if you’re an attractive single. The website also further specifies that it’s not for sugar babies or daddies.

When you go to MillionaireMatch’s website to create an account, the website will ask you if you’re a successful single making over 300k a year or if you’re an attractive single. The website also further specifies that it’s not for sugar babies or daddies.

MillionaireMatch - Step 2

Step 2: Create an Account

Now it’s time to create your account. Enter your email address, tell MillionaireMatch who you are and what you’re looking for, and get your basic information out of the way.

MillionaireMatch - Step 3

Step 3: Fill Out Your Annual Income

This is the step where you can let people know what you make. As you can see, there are few options below 300k a year because MillionaireMatch doesn’t necessarily cater to those users. That’s just something to be aware of when you’re debating whether or not MillionaireMatch is the right choice for you.

Step 4: Fill Out Some More General Information

This part can feel a bit tedious, but it’s always worth it to make the algorithm work for you!

MillionaireMatch - Step 5

Step 5: Write a Profile Headline and Let People Know What You’re Looking for

A profile headline is unique to MillioniareMatch. You can write a few words to let people know who you are and catch their eyes when they’re looking for love online. And don’t worry, you can change it up whenever you want to.

Once you’ve written your headline, it’s time to write your bio! While we don’t love the fact that there’s little to no direction about what to put in this section, that also gives you the freedom to be yourself and talk about what really matters to you. Don’t let this part stress you out.

After you’ve told people who you are, it’s time to tell them what you’re looking for. Be as passionate and exact as you want to be; this is your time!

MillionaireMatch - Step 6

Step #6: Add Some Photos

Free members can add up to 26 photos! MillionaireMatch also specifies the images that are not allowed on the app.

MillionaireMatch - Step 7

Step #7: Start Looking for Love!

Once you’ve created your profile and verified your email address, it’s time to start looking for love online! MillionaireMatch is set up in a very similar way to LinkedIn and other dating apps, so you ought to be very comfortable with its interface.

Alternatives to the MillionaireMatch Dating App

If you like the idea of MillionaireMatch, but you’re wondering if it’s the best dating app that’s going to fit all your needs, that’s okay! Many dating apps are similar to MillionaireMatch, but with different features, layouts, and audiences. If you want to find love online but aren’t sure MillionaireMatch is the place to do it, look into these alternative dating apps.

Dating App Key Facts Review
eharmony logo Eharmony
  • Active Members: 16+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 48% men and 52% women
  • Best For: All singles who want a serious relationship
  • Pricing: Begins at $35.90/month
Elite Singles Logo Elite Singles
  • Active Members: 2+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 44% men to 56% women
  • Best For: Highly educated and successful singles
  • Pricing: Begins at $31.95/month
zoosk logo Zoosk
  • Active Members: 40 million
  • Gender Ratio: 47% men and 53% women
  • Best For: All singles – Flirting, finding love, and getting dates
  • Pricing: Begins at $10.00/month
sugardaddymeet logo SugarDaddyMeet
  • Active Members: 600,000
  • Gender Ratio: 48% men to 52% women
  • Best For: Younger women seeking successful, older men
  • Membership Price: Begins at $24.00/month

Frequently Asked Questions about MillionaireMatch

If you’re still unsure whether MillionaireMatch is for you, or if you still have questions about who is on the app, how the app operates, or how you should spend your time on the app, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about MillionaireMatch.

How Is MillionaireMatch Different from Sugar Daddy Dating Apps?

Although many people who choose to log onto MillionaireMatch assume that just because the app centers around large amounts of money and people with a high income, it’s an app for sugar daddies or sugar babies, it is not.

In fact, throughout the entire sign-up process on MillionaireMatch, the app specifies that sugar babies and sugar daddies are not allowed on the app.

If you are looking for that kind of relationship, there are several apps you can go to in order to find it. But if you’re attempting to find that kind of relationship while you’re on the MillionaireMatch, you will be banned, and your account will be suspended.

MillionaireMatch is a dating app dedicated to helping people find real, lasting love based on equal footing and lifestyles.

Can I Have an Account on MillionaireMatch if I’m Not a Millionaire?

Yes, there is an option when you first sign up for MillionaireMatch where you can specify if you are a millionaire or if you’re just an attractive person looking to find love with a millionaire. There is also an option where users can specify their income based on a range that MillionaireMatch provides them.

Even if you’re not a millionaire, the dating app does require you to be prosperous and financially secure to join it.

What Does It Mean to Recall Messages and Reverse Matches?

These are two features that come with a premium MillionaireMatch membership. If you would like to recall a message, you can delete a message, photo, or an entire conversation you’ve had with someone.

This helps if you made a mistake and sent something that could have been taken the wrong way. The feature also helps to protect your privacy and ensure that your name and profile will no longer be viewed by someone you don’t trust. Of course, you can also block any profiles that make you feel uneasy, but the recall messages feature helps.

If you would like to reverse your matches, that means that you want MillionaireMatch to only provide you with profiles that are similar to yours. While you may not see a lot of diversity in your match options, you might feel more comfortable matching with people with similar likes and dislikes in their profiles.

How do I Become a Certified Millionaire on MillionaireMatch?

One of the safety measures that MillionaireMatch put in place is the option to become a Certified Millionaire online.

This is a badge you can earn after becoming a premium member of MillionaireMatch.

To become a certified millionaire, you need to show a tax return or a bank statement to MillionaireMatch and upload a clear picture of your ID. The website will then decide whether or not you are actually a millionaire, and then you will get your diamond badge.

How do I Find Love on MillionaireMatch?

MillionaireMatch is an extremely easy-to-use dating website that offers its users, both free and premium, a number of different ways and places to connect with one another and create relationships online.

There is a section on the app called ‘Let’s Meet,’ which is very similar to how a typical dating app is set up and where users can see all of the eligible options online. There are also some blogs and forums that MillionaireMatch provides for its users to be able to connect with each other based on their shared interests.

If you want to find love with a specific kind of person while you’re on MillionaireMatch, you can also utilize the app’s advanced search filters to get it to bring you the best online matches that will fit into what you want for your partner.

How do I Deactivate My MillionaireMatch Account?

If you would like to deactivate your MillionaireMatch, you will need to go to your privacy settings on your app or the website and choose ‘Hold Account.’

If you would like to cancel your MillionaireMatch, you will choose ‘Delete Account.’

It’s important to note that neither of these actions cancels or freezes your membership if you have one, and you will need to go in manually if you would like to pause or cancel that as well.