Mediator INFP Personality Type


Those that identify as INFP are known for their compassion and introspection. It takes them time to warm up to individuals, and they are picky about who they allow into their inner circle–and their hearts.

Despite their seeming unapproachability, INFPs often feel a deep need to make life better for the people closest to them. When it comes to dating and relationships, they find someone they can trust; they form deep, lasting relationships with them.

The Mediator Overview

The INFP personality type, AKA the Mediator, is characterized by creative optimists who are true to their own principles and ideals. A Mediator is more concerned with what may happen instead of what’s really happening in their reality; they are dreamers.

They always see hope for a brighter future and, with their own distinctive style, look for truth and meaning in their lives. INFPs are highly empathic people who are deeply concerned about the welfare of both themselves and others around them. INFPs are independent thinkers who don’t pass judgment on others; they practice what they preach when it comes to “live and let live.” If Fleetwood Mac’s song ‘You Can Go Your Own Way’ were a person, it would be an INFP.

The INFP personality type is made up of these four character traits:

  • (I)ntroverted
  • (N)Intuitive
  • (F)eeling
  • (P)erceiving

How INFP Characteristics Apply to Romance and Dating

Individuals that lean toward INFP tend not to date casually— they choose a long-term partner instead, based on how well they get along and how much they appreciate the same things that make life worthwhile. They always see the potential for a long-term commitment in their relationships because they are constantly thinking forward.

It may take an INFP a while to open up to a possible partner since they are picky about who they let into their hearts. After committing to a partner, they shower them with empathy, fierce loyalty, and love. They are sensitive to their partner’s needs and wants and go to great lengths to support them in whatever pursuits they choose. When you date a mediator, you get your own personal hype man!

Relationship Preferences

In a relationship, mediators look for more than just a partner; they seek a soul mate. Those with these traits are kind and accepting and open to the possibility of dating a broad array of people. They take great pride in their ability to see beyond superficial features like a person’s looks, social standing, or material belongings and instead concentrate on more significant measures of compatibility, such as shared values and interests.

It is a common belief among mediators that a healthy, happy relationship will enhance the happiness of both partners. To assume that Mediators have no fixed ideas of what makes a good partner would be naïve. Those with this type of personality have vivid imaginations and often have set mental pictures of their ideal partners, which may be based on literary characters, real-life acquaintances, or just their own beliefs about what a healthy romantic relationship “should” be like.

When meeting a new person, most Mediators immediately begin comparing that person with their imagined soul mate. As expected, making such comparisons excludes a significant portion of possible suitors. A Mediator’s hopes and dreams are often so lofty that it’s difficult, if not impossible, for a mere human being to fulfill them.

Don’t let this scare you–INFPs always manage to come back to earth and realize that real love requires effort, compromise, and mutual understanding. After all, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and the most perfect romantic partnerships have their share of difficulties. The bright side is that Mediators get a lot of satisfaction from the work needed to keep and deepen their relationships.

Tips for Keeping Mediators Interested

INFPs’ expressions of love may take numerous forms, some more obvious than others, but you can feel secure knowing that they are genuine and have no problem committing to a relationship. To keep a Mediator interested, you should make it clear that you can and want to commit to them.

If you want to keep them around (or have them keep you around), acknowledge their displays of affection, learn their love language, and speak it back to them.

If an INFP loves somebody, they will do whatever it takes to ensure that person is taken care of, even if it means putting their needs on the back burner. You’ll never feel abandoned or unappreciated in a relationship with an INFP, so remind them that it’s okay to concentrate on their own needs at times. Encourage them to remember that although it is great to think of others, there are times when they must put their own needs first.

Mediators will go to great lengths to avoid any kind of conflict, hence their moniker. If you are in an argument, do not yell. We repeat, do not raise your voice. While disagreeing with an INFP, it’s best to do it in a level-headed and calm demeanor—any screaming will make them feel uneasy and cause them to flee.

Things to Consider When Dating an INFP

You may notice an INFP’s reluctance to share some aspects of themselves in the early stages of a relationship. They are naturally quite guarded, so getting to know them and the things that are really important to them may take some time. There is a lot of value placed on emotional and physical connection since they care deeply and can accept them, warts and all.

Although everyone experiences stress at some point or another, INFPs may find it especially difficult to cope with. If their perfectionism sets in during a particularly overwhelming period, they might experience a rapid descent into distress. They struggle with being straightforward in general, and this extends to pleas for help.

You’ll earn their heartfelt gratitude if you jump in to help them out when they have a crisis, regardless of whether or not they’ve asked for it.

INFP Compatibility with Other Myers Briggs Personalities

When it comes to dating and romance, the INFP personality type is most compatible with other Intuitive-Feeling types.

ENTP – The Debater

In this passionate partnership, ideas and creativity explode. Warmth, sincerity, and insight come from INFPs, whereas energy, efficiency, and charm come from ENTPs. They have a common interest in learning about the world and the possibilities it holds, as well as in debating and exchanging ideas and concepts.

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ENFJ – The Protagonist

The foundation of this connection is built on mutual passion and shared vision. The ENFJ will find a partner in the INFP who will push them to explore their values and figure out what matters most to them. When they’re with an ENFJ, INFPs discover a partner who encourages them to live their best lives, speak their minds, and break out of their shells. Both types are friendly and comforting to be around emotionally. They will each do their best to create an environment where the other person feels safe enough to speak from the heart and be themselves.

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ENFP – The Campaigner

There is no shortage of fantasy or passion between these two. While ENFPs and INFPs have much in common, their differences provide a healthy check and balance to their relationship. Both types are driven by strong internal principles and a great amount of imagination.

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Least Compatible Personality Types

The INFP personality type has the least amount of romantic compatibility with the Thinking-Judging personality type.

ISTJ – The Logistician

The INFP can help the ISTJ get in touch with their sentimental side, while the ISTJ can teach the INFP to be more realistic and practical. They respect and value one another for their unique skills and perspectives. Yet, differences in lifestyle choices can cause tension. Whereas ISTJs value order and precision, INFPs are more open and relaxed, and INFPs have trouble keeping track of routine tasks and responsibilities; this can cause clashes.

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ESFJ – The Consul

ESFJs make choices from an Extraverted Feeling perspective. They care about the well-being of the group as a whole and make an effort to accommodate everyone’s requirements. INFPs are more independent and focused on making choices that align with their own personal ideals. When these two have different views on a topic, it may cause misunderstandings and conflict. The ESFJ may see the INFP as self-absorbed, while the INFP may view the ESFJ as too concerned with the happiness of others.

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ENTJ – The Commander

In contrast to INFPs, who are devoted to their ideals and motivated by their principles, ENTJs are expert organizers who bring others together to achieve objectives. INFPs are open-minded and enthusiastic about experiencing new things, whereas ENTJs are goal-oriented and want to take charge. These two may get resentful of one another due to their contrasting perspectives. Some INFPs may find ENTJs to be too abrupt, domineering, or career-focused for their tastes. Some ENTJs may see INFPs as excessively romantic, disorganized, and sensitive.

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Final Thoughts About Dating a Mediator

Mediators favor agreement over conflict wherever possible. Their relationships benefit from this consistency, but it can also cause difficulties. If a mediator is worried about starting a fight, they could obsess over the issue in their head or attempt to figure out how to resolve it all on their own rather than voicing their concerns. They may also put their partner’s happiness ahead of their own, losing sight of their aspirations and identity.

Open and honest communication is crucial to the success of any relationship, and INFPs may need a gentle reminder of this reality from time to time–this kind of open communication can actually improve relationships.

It is quite possible for Mediators to maintain their individuality within a loving relationship if they are able to talk honestly with their partner. When Mediators give their whole selves to their relationships, they learn what it’s like to love and be loved.